About PRXS

We are the bridge between research and practice.

We are communications architects. Our work is driven by research-based strategies and leveraging the latest technologies in the industry. Our aim is to establish and develop thriving and sustainable marketing and communications infrastructure for companies of all types.

Aymen Abdel Halim is co-founder of PRXS Media, Inc. and brings over 20 years of diverse experience in marketing, communications, and public relations to his role as a consultant for a wide-range of institutions including dozens of national and global non-profit organizations. Aymen’s primary focus is to drive business results by bridging research and practice to progressively increase brand awareness, visibility, and impact through leading strategic campaigns and producing creative thought leadership content across the digital landscape.

Sana Ihmoud is co-founder of PRXS Media, Inc. and specializes in developing creative digital marketing solutions that increase brand awareness and ROI including business and e-commerce websites, programmatic advertising, search advertising, and social media campaigns to grow the digital footprint of our partners. Sana harnesses digital marketing technology to architect and design digital marketing programs for organizations of all types including Fortune 500 companies and major U.S. and international brands.